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Serving it Up! HOT!

Last month we were blessed to serve with some missionary friends of ours (Matt and Ellen Zell) in Honduras. The 10-day

trip was nothing short of superb. We were able to minister to young children, teens, women, as well as leaders and pastors of churches. In each of these cases, there was a genuine hunger for all things “Bible!” Without a doubt, the Spirit of God had prepared the hearts for our arrival. For those of you that prayed for us during this time, we thank you! Know that your prayers were heard!

Amos predicted a day would come when God would “send a famine” – not of food or water, but of “hearing the Word of God” (Amos 8:11). This is a nation’s worst nightmare! For ONLY the Word of God can feed our souls, properly guide us, and answer all of our questions, it alone gives to us the Words of Life! A famine of “hearing the Word” is so dangerous, destructive, and hopeless! This is happening in many places across our world. A famine for hearing God’s holy Word. Oh, what a horrific situation!

However, in Honduras there was NO FAMINE for "hearing the Word of God!" There was a young, Honduran couple that had accomplished in reality what has been in our vision for the last several years! Young children would come to their center to improve their education, learn English, develop relationships all under the pure Word of God. Teenagers would come to hear devotions from the Bible and learn English and other skills. Local women would come to learn crafts presented in a way that lead to Gospel conversations. Challenging devotions were provided to draw them closer to the Lord. Watching Rebecca pour herself daily into these people and the classes was such a refreshing event. We both experienced teaching young people that were hungry to hear God’s Word. Even Hurricane Julia could not dampen their spirits!

I was able to teach the pastors and leaders of churches, in two different villages, the overview of the New Testament. Each point or section was eagerly received and there was obvious hunger for more. Questions were asked and positive encouragement was given for the information and the sacrifice we made to come. We also had the honor of ordaining Rev. Matt Zell to the Gospel Ministry. Those pastors that knew him best were able to serve on his ordination counsel. The time went by too quickly! One thing that it also did for us was it gave us some fresh ideas on how we can do the same things here in Mexico, how we can use this window of opportunity of hunger for the Word to satiate their appetites and feed these souls with the wonderful Word of God. We are re-energized to continue our vision and press on.

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