Many people begin to seriously think about retirement when they hit 60 years old. By the time you reach this age, your pace begins to slow down and your mind is not as sharp as it once was. However, by this time, you have built a vast collection of experiences and skills that are unique and, hopefully, useful to others. Rather than seeing this as our "twilight years," we saw it as the beginning of another journey to explore how our extraordinary God would continue to work in our lives.
As we have done often in our four decades of marriage, we sat down together to evaluate our current ministries and to seek God's guidance in what to do during this time in our lives. It didn't take us long to realize that God was moving us back into international missions. In fact, He has been moving our hearts in that direction for many, many years.
Over the last ten years, God has been showing us strategies for reaching the lost, training church leaders, and strengthening churches around the world. He has been bringing people into our lives to prepare us for the work and to support us through their love, prayers, and encouragement. Now, it is time to begin preparing to move overseas and broaden our ministry overseas.
It is not without trepidation and tears that we take this step. Moving to a new country and learning a new language are daunting prospects at our age. Even harder is the thought of moving far from our children and grandchildren, especially in the strange and volatile time we are living in. However, we know without a doubt that we do not take this step alone. God is with us and we take with us the prayers and support of those we love.